python3 文件操作

需要涉及到 os、shutil
os.getcwd() get pwd
os.system() run shell commander
os.exit() exit current process
os.popen() run cmd return result in filefd with r

os.getenv() get environment
os.putenv() put environment
os.linesep  win: '\r\n' linux:'\n' mac:'\r'  win:'nt' linux/unix:'posix'

os.rename(old, new) rename
os.listdir() get all names of files and folder
os.mkdir() create one folder
os.makedirs() like shell mkdir -p x/y/z
os.remove() delete file
os.removedirs() like shell rmdir -p x/y/z to del folders
os.mknod('test.txt') create a blank file

os.stat('static/js/js.js') get file attr
os.chmod(path,mode)  BIANTAI
os.path.isfile('static/js.js') judge if file
os.path.isdir('static/jquery/js') judge if folder
os.path.isabs() judge if path abs
os.path.exists() judge if path/file exists
os.path.split() split path and filename
os.path.splitext() get file.ext
os.path.dirname() get path
os.path.basename() get filename
os.path.getsize() get size of file

filefd = open('file',M)  M:

Character Meaning
'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first
'x' open for exclusive creation, failing if the file exists
'a' open for appending to the end of the file, if it exists
'b' binary mode
't' text mode (default)
'+' open for updating (reading and writing)