python3 文件操作
需要涉及到 os、shutil
os.getcwd() get pwd
os.system() run shell commander
os.exit() exit current process
os.popen() run cmd return result in filefd with r
os.getenv() get environment
os.putenv() put environment
os.linesep win: '\r\n' linux:'\n' mac:'\r' win:'nt' linux/unix:'posix'
os.rename(old, new) rename
os.listdir() get all names of files and folder
os.mkdir() create one folder
os.makedirs() like shell mkdir -p x/y/z
os.remove() delete file
os.removedirs() like shell rmdir -p x/y/z to del folders
os.mknod('test.txt') create a blank file
os.stat('static/js/js.js') get file attr
os.chmod(path,mode) BIANTAI
os.path.isfile('static/js.js') judge if file
os.path.isdir('static/jquery/js') judge if folder
os.path.isabs() judge if path abs
os.path.exists() judge if path/file exists
os.path.split() split path and filename
os.path.splitext() get file.ext
os.path.dirname() get path
os.path.basename() get filename
os.path.getsize() get size of file
filefd = open('file',M) M:
Character | Meaning |
'r' | open for reading (default) |
'w' | open for writing, truncating the file first |
'x' | open for exclusive creation, failing if the file exists |
'a' | open for appending to the end of the file, if it exists |
'b' | binary mode |
't' | text mode (default) |
'+' | open for updating (reading and writing) |